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Cost of Attendance

The Cost of Attendance (COA) is an estimate and includes all expenses to attend the university for one year, not only expenses paid directly to UC Merced (also referred to as direct costs). The COA includes tuition/fees, books and supplies, food and housing, personal expenses, transportation expenses, and a health insurance allowance and varies depending on whether you live on-campus, off-campus or at home with relatives. The amounts reflected in the COA are averages determined annually based on statistical data from a variety of sources including periodic surveys of UC Merced students. These amounts are intended to provide sufficient funds to pay for educational expenses for most students in most circumstances. Your actual expenses may be different and most items are not paid directly to the university.

Listed below are the standard costs of attendance for the year 2025-2026 for undergraduate students:


Undergraduates who first enroll in Fall 2025









Food & Housing




Books & Supplies








Personal Expenses




Health Insurance




Loan Fee








Additional Non-Res Tuition




Non-Residential Total





Undergraduates who first enrolled in Fall 2024









Food & Housing




Books & Supplies








Personal Expenses




Health Insurance




Loan Fee








Additional Non-Res Tuition




Non-Residential Total






Undergraduates who first enrolled in Fall 2023




At Home





Food & Housing




Books & Supplies








Personal Expenses




Health Insurance




Loan Fee








Additional Non-Resident Tuition




Non-Residential Total





Undergraduates who first enrolled in Fall 2022









Food & Housing




Books & Supplies








Personal Expenses




Health Insurance




Loan Fee








Additional Non-Res Tuition




Non-Residential Total





Teacher Preparation Program



Food & Housing


Books & Supplies




Personal Expenses


Loan Fee





  • We reserve the right to modify financial aid awards at any time due to changes in your financial aid eligibility, in program terms, in the amount of available funding, and/or due to coordination with other resources you receive.
  • UC Tuition remains flat for up to six years under the Tuition Stability Plan. It includes systemwide tuition (the cost of classes for California resident students), and student services fees for areas such as student government, student public transportation, and building improvements. These fees are set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event instruction occurs remotely for any part of the academic year.
  • The University of California Regents mandates that all students be covered by a health insurance plan. All full and part-time undergraduate students are automatically enrolled in and charged for the University of California Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP) unless they choose to submit an online insurance waiver confirming they have comparable health coverage to the Health Center.
  • Click here for typical housing costs near UC Merced. For more information on actual off-campus rental costs please visit the Off-Campus Housing website.

Cost of Attendance Adjustment

It is impossible to take into account all the situations in which people find themselves or all the consumer choices they make. Students with unusual documented expenses who feel that their "allowed" budget does not reflect their actual expenses can learn more about a Cost of Attendance Adjustment. The OFAS can sometimes allow a higher individualized budget. Whether additional financial aid can be made available to the student based on the revised budget depends on the availability of funds. Since scholarship and grant assistance is limited, an increase in the budget will usually be reflected in an adjustment to self-help financial aid (loans and/or work).